Archive | February 2014

Harper Government: Gone fishing?

The Cohen Inquiry into the disappearing Fraser River Sockeye Salmon  took 18 months, cost $26 million, heard from 179 witnesses and  came up with 75 recommendations, all of which have been ignored by the Conservative Government.

The Cohen Inquiry into the disappearing Fraser River Sockeye Salmon took 18 months, cost $26 million, heard from 179 witnesses and came up with 75 recommendations, all of which have been ignored by the Canadian Conservative Government.

Doer Die? Water Wars II

Canadian Ambassador Gary Doer believes that water-shortage issues will dominate Canada/US relations in the next 5 years and that these "water wars" will make the present Pipeline debates seem trivial.

Canadian Ambassador Gary Doer believes that water-shortage issues will dominate Canada/US relations in the next 5 years and that these “water wars” will make the present Pipeline debates seem trivial.

Water Wars

Canada must prepare for  diplomatic stormy seas ahead as the US runs short of water, says Canada's Ambassador to the US,Gary Doer

Will the “Californian Swimming Pool” join rhe endangered species list?  Canada must prepare for diplomatic stormy seas ahead as the USA, runs short of water, says Canada’s Ambassador to the US, Gary Doer.


A Judge has overruled Federal Fisheries Minister Gail Shea's decision to open the Vancouver Island Herring fishery after hearing that Shea refused to listen to the recommendations of the scientists in her own department to keep the fishing closed to protect the threatened species.

A Judge has overruled Federal Fisheries Minister Gail Shea’s decision to open the Vancouver Island Herring fishery after hearing that Shea refused to listen to the recommendations of the scientists in her own department to keep the fishing closed to protect the threatened species.


Tests on British food found that cheese was not real but cheese analogue made of vegetable oil, ham was a "meat emulsion", beef was adulterated with pork and chicken, fruit juice contained oils and harmful additives and herbal teas contained glucose powder and banned prescription drugs. [Some may argue that this may in fact improve British Cuisine!]

Tests on British food found that cheese was not real but cheese analogue made of vegetable oil, ham was a “meat emulsion”, beef was adulterated with pork and chicken, fruit juice contained oils and harmful additives and herbal teas contained glucose powder and banned prescription drugs. [Some may argue that this may in fact improve British Cuisine!]

XL-Games: Harper’s Pipe-Dream?

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper continues to apply pressure on the USA to approve the Keystone Pipeline.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper continues to apply pressure on the USA to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, which will carry Canadian oil-sands crude to US markets.

Vancouver: The Greenest City?

Vancouver is falling short on its greenhouse gas reduction targets to become the world's "Greenest City" by 2020, [although the green dedicated bike lanes are making many drivers see red!]

Vancouver is falling short on its greenhouse gas reduction targets to become the world’s “Greenest City” by 2020, [although the green dedicated bike lanes are making many drivers see red!]

Ragnarök: The end of the world February 22nd

And if not tomorrow, then as soon as we run out of water

According to Viking legend, the world will end tomorrow.   [And if not tomorrow, then in the near future as the Earth runs out of water]

Chevron CEO John Watson: “Let them eat pizza!”

After an explosion at a Chevron fracking well in Bobtown PA, which killed one worker, the company sent a letter of apology to residents which included a coupon for a free pizza

After a deadly explosion at a Chevron fracking well in Greene County PA  which killed one worker and burned for 4 days, the company sent a letter of apology to residents which included a coupon for a free pizza as compensation for the inconvenience.

Pussy-footing around Sochi

Russian police continue to harass the protest-rock group, "Pussy Riot" who have dared to speak out against Putin's authority; arresting members of the band in trumped-up theft charges in Sochi.

Russian police continue to harass the protest-rock group, “Pussy Riot” who have dared to speak out against Putin’s authority; arresting members of the band in trumped-up theft charges in Sochi.