Archive | January 2017

Stumped at the oval.

Kellyanne Conway stumbles across an alternate universe.

Kellyanne Conway stumbles across an alternate universe.

‘That wasn’t a wrong note Maestro,it was an alternative pitch.”

Kellyanne Conway's'alternative facts' a contribution to the post-truth era.

Kellyanne Conway’s’alternative facts’ a contribution to the post-truth era.

Come again on Brexit.

Old Scotland wants no watery stuff/that splashes in wooden dishes/but if you wish her a grateful prayer/give her a Haggis.

Old Scotland wants no watery stuff/that splashes in wooden dishes/but if you wish her a grateful prayer/give her a Haggis.

Theresa May,or may not…

Opt for the hard Brexit.

Opt for the hard Brexit.

“Enough ,no more.’Tis not so sweet as it was before.”

More musicians declined than accepted the invitation to perform at the President's inauguration.

More musicians declined than accepted the invitation to perform at the President’s inauguration.

Ask not for whom the bell Ringling.

Circus animals are becoming extinct.

Circus animals are becoming extinct.

Crocodile tears:The temptation of Conrad.

A tourist posing for a close up with a Crocodile,lost her balance and got bitten in the leg.

A tourist posing for a close up with a Crocodile,lost her balance and got bitten in the leg.

Bull knit.

A Pitfall named 'Scarface bit a woman trying to put a sweater on it.

A Pitfall named ‘Scarface bit a woman trying to put a sweater on it.

Morality pills close to reality.

"So far we have developed a pill for civic responsibility and a regime for violin virtuosity:you have to take one a day for the rest of your life.They are suppositories.

“So far we have developed a pill for civic responsibility and a regime for violin virtuosity:you have to take one a day for the rest of your life.They are suppositories.