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The World’s hottest day – but Greta keeps her cool

The police look a tad overdressed for the occasion…..

The Theatre of War.

Putin presses no charges( okay but we’ll look for financial wrongdoing).

Hot Air ( Rocket Spin)

” The Thrust was spectacular, the Descent exceeded our expectations”.

Comedy Noire.

Belarus, the nuclear toy shop, first choice of autocrats.

A Bread basket case load.

Faces only a mother could love.

Among the many worries of Rishi Sunak.

A visit from the ghost of Christmas yet to come.

…” That Musk, ‘e Twittered away a fortune…”

…”Now I’m the richest man…..formidable.”

Yurii Kerpatenko, Conductor murdered in his own home by Russian soldiers.

Ukrainian Kherson-born Conductor refused to take part in propaganda concert.

Into the Boards.

Hockey Canada CEO and Board are resigned.