Archive | March 2019

Don’t cast a clout till May is out.

Contenders for the chaise percee.

John Joubert.1927 – Jan.2019.

Composer.Torches for Christmas.

Tip toe through the Tulips.

William Barr following the footsteps of Robert Mueller.

“Well herr Google,when your machine has figured out my canon, come back and see me.”

AI,after studying Bach chorales, can harmonize two bars of random melody.

Exemplar leadership.Jacinda Ardern.

Compassion.Decisive action.NZ.shootings.

The last Farage.

The ‘Leave means leave’ march.

“It’s the Ides of March.The Children’s Crusade.”

The climate is in our children’s hands.


“What would Churchill have done?”

International Women’s Day.

Four composers :Three British,one Canadian.