Archive | August 2015

Seeing the light.

Campbell,Harcourt and Heed are among the public figures now advocating the use of Pot.[ Men in the public eye in the private know].

Campbell,Harcourt and Heed are among the public figures now advocating the use of Pot.[ Men in the public eye in the private know].

Scouts dishonour.

The use of scouts at a Conservative campaign stop was against the policy of the non-partisan agency,a spokes person said.

The use of scouts at a Conservative campaign stop was against the policy of the non-partisan agency,a spokes person said.

Hair erasing.

Margaret Atwood's political  piece on hair appeared and disappeared in the National Post while 'facts were checked'.

Margaret Atwood’s political piece on hair appeared and disappeared in the National Post while ‘facts were checked’.

A drop of Law and Perrin can flavour the Pork Duff.

The Duffy trial:Ben Perrin's testimony contradicts that of Nigel Wright.

The Duffy trial:Ben Perrin’s testimony contradicts that of Nigel Wright.

“We’ll be comfortable with a tarp over it.”

Affordability: Politicians of all stripes are making promises to young families.

Affordability: Politicians of all stripes are making promises to young families.

The Marriott-oinette hotel.

Three Versailles buildings are slated to be turned into hotels to help pay for the palace upkeep.Funding for the landmark has recently been slashed.

Three Versailles buildings are slated to be turned into hotels to help pay for the palace upkeep.Funding for the landmark has recently been slashed.

The Eagle has landed.

Vancouver airport uses predatory birds to keep the runway safe from migratory birds [and Drones…..].

Vancouver airport uses predatory birds to keep the runway safe from migratory birds [and Drones…..].

‘So,da’s no relationship between sugary drinks and obesity…..’

Coca Cola funded research suggests exercise is key to checking obesity rather than diminished consumption.

Coca Cola funded research suggests exercise is key to checking obesity rather than diminished consumption.

” The herds are at the gate Muriel.”

The Trans Pacific Partnership talks have stalled over Canada's unwillingness to drop it's Dairy subsidies.

The Trans Pacific Partnership talks have stalled over Canada’s unwillingness to drop it’s Dairy subsidies.