Archive | October 2012

Nightmare after Hallowe’en

BC Pumpkin farmers overwhelmed by Pumpkin Glut

Harper and Manning, 25 years later,Politics, Policies, Perks and Peeks

Harper takes Reform policies even farther right. Manning: “open, accountable, transparent government”. Harper: “divisive, autocratic, secretive”

Russ George: Walking the Plankton? Haida Gwaii earthquake and Tsunami: Nature strikes back?

George is the lead scientist behind failed effort to sell carbon credits from plankton bloom caused by dumping 100 tons of iron in ocean off Haida Gwaii

“Music Makes More Milk” Quartet plays for Dairy cows

“They are really milking that ‘Bullfighter’s Prayer'”

Baby Beluga talk

San Diego Beluga recorded imitating human conversation

First Starbucks opens in India

from “Skinny” to “Grande”?

Skyfall: James Bond takes on Chicken Little

Skyfall: James Bond takes on Chicken Little

Pillow shares: Love is blind but not marriage

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other Canadian Conservative Government Ministers’ spouses, hold publicly traded shares in companies that could be affected by government decisions.[Govt. ministers must put shares into blind trust to avoid conflict of interest]